Son of Rambow
- British comedy
- actors: Bill Milner, Will Poulter, Jules Sitruk
- director: Garth Jennings (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
- year: 2007
- company: Paramount Vantage, Celluloid Dreams Production, Good a co production, Arte France Cinema, Network Movie, Soficinema 2&3, Hammer & Tongs
- friendship of 2 boys from high school (Lee Carter and Will)
- friendship between the French and English boys
- different background: religious family vs average non-religious
- lack of parents
- filmmaking (BBC ScreenTest)
- England in the ‘80s
- movies and their influence on children (Rambo - First Blood)
Comedy elements
- slapstick
- stereotypes (French vs English)
- builds on a well-known character (Rambo)
- childish imagination (animated parts)
Narrative Structure: linear forward (few flashbacks)
Propp’s Theory (8 spheres of action):
- Hero: Lee Carter (Will Poulter) and Will (Bill Milner) - director and writer of movie
- False Hero: Didier Revol (Jules Sitrouk) - French student who wants to be a star
- Villain: Joshua is leader of the religious group who tries to replace the father and keep Will away from the real world
- Princess: the video/ story that needs to be finished
- Dispatcher: BBC Screen Test competition
- Donor: Lee’s brother - helps them to finish the video
- Helper: students from school
- Father: Will’s mum understands his son’s intentions
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